My current obsessions

I have some new found fun in my life, and this is what the blog is for right?  Sharing!

1. Red Mango frozen yogurt. My staff would say "obsession" is an understatement. If you don't know about this stuff, I feel sorry for you. It is the yummiest treat in the whole wide world. They only have 2 flavors (original and green tea - original for me), but the coolest toppings. Mangos, coconut, blueberries, mini chocolate chips, Captain Crunch, Fruity Pebbles, crushed graham crackers, and the list goes on and on. Everyday, and I mean everyday, on my break you can find me there.

2. Zebra prints used for decorating. Sounds kind of tacky I know, but I found the most beautiful chair for my office, and a super cute rug for the living room....both from! Who knew??

4. Sugarland! Prior to last summer, I too was annoyed by Jennifer Nettles super twangy voice. Then Sarah and I saw them in concert at Qwest field as the opening act for Kenny Chesney. Now I am in love! It is amazing how your opinion of someone can change when you see them live. Their new CD came out about 2 weeks ago, the songs are really catchy, and I think I have about 98% of the words memorized.

Click here to watch one of the twangy-est...

5. Paint swatches. I have decided to paint in my home, after 2+ years of living here. For those of you that don't know, this idea combines 2 of the toughest things for my brain to handle - making decorating decisions, and change. I can only imagine the comment Camille will have for this post. I think I was classified as the world's most annoying roommate when she moved in and "we" decorated.  Picture this:   Lindsay with a vase, placing it on a surface, stepping back from the surface, examining the placement for like 7 minutes, then moving it 2 centimeters to the right only to begin the above mentioned process again until it is just right :) It seriously takes me like 2 hours to finish 1 bookshelf. I think eventually she learned to just ignore me. How will I ever decide on just the right color? And what if I don't like it when it is up on the wall?

I'll probably cover it with something zebra print and go eat yogurt to calm my sorrows - hehe.


Anonymous said...
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Adrienne said...

I also love Red Mango frozen yogurt and Sugarland....I, however, don't really enjoy zebra print all that much---a big surprise, huh??! My newest obsession is the show "Project Runway"!! Do you watch it?

Valerie said...

I too have an obession with the OLYMPICS!!! Who doesn't love Phelps??? and what about Shawn Johnson! Love her!!!

tequila said...

Oooooh. Whose comment was 'deleted by a blog administrator'? Is someone in trouble? Is it Camille?

I love the zebra print. Very exotic. Very Serengeti.

Lindsay Marie said...

It was a random add that popped in as a "comment" from some politician!?!? How'd that get in here...delete.

Heather Ling said...

Want something fun to do when America's Next Top Model airs?


laurie coleman photography said...

I love black and white. I'd love to have my own office/work space with the color theme someday, so I'm actually enjoying the zebra print. Good luck with the painting; you can always paint it again if you hate it!

Unknown said...

Okay so I have never commented on your blog, but I do read it anytime I need a laugh or my Lindsay fix for the day. So, that being said I have a great idea; you can help me paint my condo! That way if you don't like it you don't have to live with it. I know that's probably not very helpful for you, but it would make my life much easier. Not to mention Dustin really does count your opinions as facts, therefore you can convince him to be much more adventurous than I can. In a way you would be saving my marriage :) Just a thought!

Aubrey said...

I have always wanted to try the Red Mango, now after reading your blog I know I need to. I guess I will have to make a special trip, maybe during lunch hours and we can chat.